Welcome to Solidarity Higher institute of Business Science and Technology (SHIBUST)

Pre-application PAGE

Because we haven't yet gotten a more secured payment system to accept automatically payment online for registration and fees, we will consider this a pre-application form where you will fill the form and only be contacted on how to make payment manually either on calls or at the school campus.

About Our Scholarships

Our Scholarships opportunities is open for everyone who registered before school resumption date. Our Scholarships applied for all Programs and its a 20% discount for both registration fee and the initiate school fee.

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Open Door Day - Funding Support

Pitch Your Business Idea to Global Investors

SHIBUST offers her students the opportunities to design the business plan and pitch their business ideas in front of reliable investor to receive funding for their business. Become Part Today!

Let's Stay in Touch

Details up to date so you don't miss out on alumni , reunions & news.

Job Vacancies

SHIBUST Offered on campus and holidays job opportunities to her brilliant students.